Monday, August 31, 2009

For Alaina:

Chicken Panini served on a Polaroid for you, miss.

Happy birthday to Ryan Ross!

Well, yesterday, of course.
I got this pic of his friend's twitpic... And he got an Elmo cake??!
Way to go, Ryro!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don't they look, like, crazy sexy?!

I honestly think this is like the sexiest picture EVER. loool.
But they look great. Thats why It's my new Polyvore icon.
goodnight, bloggerz.

New Blog Name!

I found that my blog name was I took a lyric from 'Change' by The Young Veins.

Sooooo..Posting more stuff now..Maybe pictures of my reallife outfits.

Chanel Drop Earrings.

FINALLY. I found them! GAH. I was looking for them FOREVER. And finally found them. Probably searched for awhile, until I learned that they were on the 4th page on google images. FAIL by me, I know.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My self-made showcase!


My self-made Poladroid!
Sorry that all my posts lately have been poladroids; uploading them all to Polyvore!

Fun Fun Fun!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

DELL Lollipop Polaroid

Everytime I see this commercial, I always think how adorable it is, and how I want to make it into a polaroid SO MUCH. Well, I made it myself with Poladroid, and my screenshot. Use with permission!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Webshot for my friends! [ohmygod, you can see my background in it. lol]